Tuesday, May 22, 2018

opinions writing

Standardized tests have been apart of the American education system since the mid-1800s. However, in the last decade these tests have rocketed as the “No Child Left Behind” act was put into action in all 50 states. US students began to slip from being ranked 18th in the world for math, to 27th. Research shows that high-stakes standardized test scores are not valid or reliable.
I think that the requirement of standardized tests is not achieving anything but stress and lost confidence in students. Standardized tests takes away focus from the ultimate goal, student success. Also these tests create disadvantages for students who do not have access to the knowledge needed in order to complete these test questions
In fact, standardized tests are biased by social-class, ethnic and other cultural differences. They unfairly advantage those who can afford to prep for the test. Kids who are suffering from poverty do not get the same tools and resources in order to prepare for these tests as kids who are able to access these resources do. As a student from Bowie, I am fortunate enough to have tools available to me in order to succeed on these tests. However, kids that go to other schools do not have the same teachers and atmosphere that would allow them to strive in there academics. Therefore, requiring kids from all over to take the same tests does not accurately show students to the best of their abilities.
These tests create unnecessary stress and negative attitudes towards school. They do not allow students or teachers to show creativity, and lead students to the “gaming” strategies that improve the success-rate of guessing. With these standardized test creating fatigue, students begin to rely on guessing in order to just complete the test. Therefore, if students are not taking these tests to the best of their ability, how will they be accurately graded. According to the National Academy of Sciences report to Congress, standardized tests don’t increase student achievement.
Statistics show that the average student in America’s big-city public schools takes some 112 mandatory tests between pre-kindergarten and the end of 12th grade. That is an average of about 8 tests per year, the study says. This eats up 20 -25 hours every school year. This means that rather than students preparing for future success or other necessary lessons needed in order to prepare for the next grade level, they are focused on just trying to pass a computerized graded test.
However, some people may argue that these standardized tests are a practical and accurate way of evaluating what a student does or does not know. Although these tests do show what category of the tests students either struggle or excel at, I believe they still are not accurate way to determine student success. Some students struggle with taking tests, while others do very good. This does not mean one student is smarter than the other. Overall, these tests cannot accurately measure how well a student is doing in a particular subject.
Most likely standardized tests are always going to be apart of the school’s system. However, a step in the right direction could be to minimize how many tests students are required to take throughout their education. This way students would still have to prepare for a test over concepts they’ve learned throughout the year, but it would be less stressful and easier to take on.
Overall, standardized testing is not contributing to the success rates of students. Instead, it is creating problems such as lost confidence and bad habits such as guessing. By minimizing the amount of standardized tests, students stress levels would decrease and they would be more confident to take these tests.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


1) Google maps shows great locations with detail.

2) Photographers Ephemeris can help predict angles of sunrise and sunsets. It also can tell you good angles to shoot your landscape photo and the perfect time. 

3) It makes the photo harder to put together. You want to shoot from a distance and make the foreground and background look close to each other. 

4) Digital SLR's, and the software Lightroom 6, can get back the highlight shadow in a very natural way. A ND grad filter can also bring back detail to the landscape and sky. 

5) Cleaning cloths to always keep the camera lens clear & clean. Microfibre towel to dry off the camera and lens. A waterproof bag that is strong and can quickly cover the camera in case of a change in weather. 

6) You can capture different angles and views of the landscape before hand. Get more elements to shoot. 

7) Subject is more important because it can influence what composition you will have in the picture. Never force the subject to conform the rule.

8) Always find a main subject and then start to gather elements that won't distract from the main focus. Do each element one at a time so you can either add or take away. 

9) The clouds that are puffy and bright in color photos bring a totally different effect in black in white. Secondly, the heavy dark sky can produce monochromatic results. 

10) You can go back and make your previous photos better by capturing angles, and elements you missed before. You look at the landscape very differently now because you can see all the angles and composition that you didn't see before.  

HDR preview

1) You have to take different photos in different exposers by yourself. Manually change the ISO and shutter speed

2) HDR blending software, a camera, and a tripod.

3) Taking better pictures is why someone may take an HDR photo. With a landscape of buildings and sky, you can get the dark and light versions and combine them together to look 3D or more realistic. 

4) After combining the photos you can see how the effect really goes into play. You can see the contrast between the different photos that you can't see in just one normal photo. 

HDR photography

Monday, April 23, 2018

merger photo preview

1) I think that not moving the camera at all and the lighting will be difficult to keep the same. Also to get the person in the right angles so the final picture will turn out the way I want it to.

2) The best place to shoot this would be in the front under the shade or somewhere with not an overwhelming light source.

3) In the photo maybe I can make all 5 different subjects to spell or do something unique.

4) If there was a theme to the photo then yes, but if it's just a merger photo probably not.

HDR shoot

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

runner-up portfolios

 Video 1

a) Alyssa Schukar 
b) Sports and telling a story combined together.
c) Same distance in a lot of the photos, same feel & lens, majority of the photos don't have any emotion to them.
d) The photo of the girl falling over on the hurdle and the baseball celebration. 
e) I think she had some good pictures that show a lot but I do think on some of them they can be more up close and shot in different angles. 

Video 2

a) Josh Birnbaum 

b) Sports 
c) Angels and background need to be more understandable, nothing graphic about most of the photos, cropping pictures right and all are secondary pictures. 
d) The photo of the kids with all the paint, like how they are in the middle pf the action. The picture of the football guy tackling the opponent.  
e) I think he has good ideas to his pictures but he could've gotten closer and made photos that were in the moment.

Video 3 

a) Anthony Souffle 

b) A story of a bird and some fish. 
c) Basic photos, unusual stories trying to be told, basic angles and depth.  
d) Some photos look like they came out of a professional camera. 
e) I really don't know what was really going on in half of the photos and they all could've been better moments and shot in the right time. Also some of the pictures are ones that we see all over magazines.

Video 4

a) Melissa Golden

b) A story of a man getting sick
c) Out of focus, need to get to scenes faster to really tell what happened, basic photos and story
d) Portrait of a man really in focus nicely, good affection and moment shots.
e)  I like how in some photos she captured some moments that are great but again some basic photos and stories. She should've gotten closer and made shots a lot more better by getting personal.

winning portfolio

a) Good moments and right in the middle of actions.

b) I see that he did a good job of keeping the main focus in the photo and you can tell what each photo had going on I'd say the only weakness is that he could've gotten one or two different angle to get more in depth.

contest recap video

a) The judges look at how good the stories are and see if they have any feel to it. Photos have in depth moments and how well you can put in good pictures. Judges look for a good storyline and not just average photos. Journalism and Photography put as one in each picture. 

pt 2 - individual images

1) I agree with the judges on the first action photo because it doesn't have a view and that it isn't dramatic and there's no feel to it. Also, that there's no originality to it, people have seen it before. The image is just a view, it could've had a better background, light, control. 

2)  I don't agree with the photo that has the two wrestling guys in because they have a spotlight on them and you can clearly tell what's about to happen. I don't think there could be another good angle. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

final exam planning

1) I am aiming to shoot this weekend or next. 

2) Where I shoot depends on what I choose to do, which will either be a grocery store and home or a whole day. 

3) I want to make a type of food or show my entire day ay school.

4) A camera and maybe a tripod with a trigger. 

5) I want to use the video portion when the making of the food is happening, the photo portion when I need to show what it's supposed to look like, and the narrator part when I explain what exactly is happening in the process. 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

personal essays

1) Write about topics that will make people laugh or a controversial topic that everyone most likely has an opinion on. 

2) Don't say things that make it sound great but to give your facts and reasons that, that something is right. 

3) - Don't always start with "I", have construction to the sentences. 
- Make connections to what you're talking about close to home or how it affects you and others.
- Grab the readers opinion with a question at the beginning or a statement that can relate to almost anyone reading the story.   

opinions writing review: story 1

1) sumin Kim

2) Russia being banned from the Olympics 

3) he agrees with the banishment that the IOC made. 

4) yes, they explained how Russia responded all of this.

5) no, he was straight forward with his thoughts and facts.

6) yes 

7) 1st & 3rd person 

opinions writing review: story 2

1) Ian Miller 

2) Apple draining batteries for new phones every year

3) he thinks they do it to promote their new phones. 

4) nope

5)  yes , he gave options of what apple could've done 

6) nope

7)  1st & 2nd 

opinions writing review: story 3

1) Katie Holme

2) Trends & Topics that need to stay in 2017

3) she has many thoughts that should stay in 2017 and feels highly about them

4) nope

5) she wasn't wishy-washy about anything

6) nope

7) 1st & 2nd 

opinions writing review: story 4

1) Kiran Patel 
2) Hollywood sexual abuse 
3) "Victims must be heard and perpetrators must be punished." 
4) No, this is a straight forward topic. 
5) No they showed facts of why it's wrong and never changed their opinion. 
6) No
7) 3rd person 

A. I think a hard news story informs you and tells you a story of what happened.  It also tells you direct facts and is based around people relevant to the story. A opinion story is one persons judgement towards a situation. The writer shows why they believe in what they do and usually have a concrete mind set about it.

B. I think there's not many photos because there isn't anything to show when you give your opinion and judgment to a story. 

C. - Gun Laws
    - President decisions 
    - Legalizing certain things. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Final Exam Preview

iMovie is an editing application where you can put together videos and photos to create a project/ mini movie that you wanted. You can cut parts out you don't want and even add title on your photo or video. 

One thing I already know about iMovie is all the basic run down of it and also a few shortcuts. 

One thing I learned today was how to right click and add sound effects by that instead of manually doing it. 

I'm most concerned about getting it done on time looking the way I want it to. 

I already know how to use the software so I think that's a plus.

I think that I may do a cooking video or maybe film a routine that has a beginning and an end.   

Monday, March 26, 2018

Student of the Month

Who -  Asia Griffith
What - Student of the Month
Where - James Bowie High
When - February 15th
Why - worked hard & determined
How - having all A's this semester so far

Student of the Month

     Asia Griffith was named Bowie's Student of the Month on February 15th. She earned this title by showing excellence in all her classes and always setting an example for others. 
     The Student of the Month is given to the students who work hard and show they're determined to be the best they can be at school. These students always strive to do their best and get the grades they want. 
     Griffith was relived that her hard work paid off when she was given this title. 
"I've been working really hard towards this goal for a while now."
     Putting in a lot of time into her classes, Asia is proud of herself.
"I put in about 2 hours a night not including studying, and I'm very proud of myself for always turning my work in on time."
     Asia wants this award as long as she can hold onto it.
"This is a very big moment to me and I never want to let this go because I like being awarded for my work." 
     Never thinking she would get this award, Griffith is surprised by this.
"I was very shocked by this because I always dreamed about getting it and didn't think at all I would get this." 
     This title inspires Asia to always do her best.
"This really motivates me to keep going and strive for my greatest work."
     Griffith explains how and when she found out about this huge announcement.
"I found out in Biology over an announcement before lunch and it totally made my day, neither less my whole week."
     The Student of the Month gives others advice on how to get this big achievement. 
"Honestly try your absolute best and give it your all when it comes to your grades. Most importantly never give up."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Monday, March 19, 2018

Nut Graf

     A nut graph is a paragraph that fills in a space in the story with more details that isn't apart of the 5 W's. This explains why the story is important and why they should care about it. A "nut graf" connects the explaining of the story to the details.
     It also helps with the inverted pyramid and really tell people what your reading.  This basically is the story in a "nutshell". It gives almost all of what your story is about so it leads the readers to find out the purpose of the writing.

Friday, March 9, 2018

inverted pyramid

my first interview

1)what do you think you did to get this title ? "I've been working really hard."
2) is this a goal you’ve been working towards? "Yes, for a while now."
3) how much time do you put into school work? "I put in about 2 hours a night, not including studying.
4) how do you feel about this goal? "I feel great, very proud of myself"
5) is this an achievement you’re proud of? "Very, yes, it gave me a boost that i needed."
6) what was your reaction like when you found out? "Surprised and amazed."
7) did anyone inspire you to get this title? "No, not really"
8) when did you find out about this goal? "last Thursday before lunch"
9) what can you do to continue this title? "I can keep pushing myself to do my best" 
10) would you want to have this title again? "Yes"
11) with this title, did fellow classmates look up to you? "I guess in some ways." 
12) what kind of achievement is this to you? "A really big one that i didn't think i would get" 
13) do you keep list of goals that are similar to this? "No not really"
14) what impact does this have on you now? "It inspires me to always keep going"
15) did this title change how you work / learn? "Not at all, I've stayed the same."
16) what did your family think of this achievement? "I felt really good about myself."
17) did you expect to get this at all? "No, I was really really shocked by it" 
18) did you think you would get this ever? "I always dreamt about it i guess you could say, but never thought it would happen." 
19) were you working towards this goal? "For a little bit but i always felt like i couldn't really get it."
20) how long did this take you to achieve? "All of last semester."
21) what would you recommend for others to get this award? "Try your absolute best and never give up" 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Student of the month questions

1)what do you think you did to get this title ? 
2) is this a goal you’ve been working towards?
3) how much time do you put into school work? 
4) how do you feel about this goal?
5) is this an achievement you’re proud of? 
6) what was your reaction like when you found out?
7) did anyone inspire you to get this title? 
8) when did you find out about this goal?
9) what can you do to continue this title?
10) would you want to have this title again?
11) with this title, did fellow classmates look up to you?
12) what kind of achievement is this to you?
13) do you keep list of goals that are similar to this?
14) what impact does this have on you now?
15) did this title change how you work / learn? 
16) what did your family think of this achievement?
17) did you expect to get this at all?
18) did you think you would get this ever?
19) were you working towards this goal?
20) how long did this take you to achieve?
21) what would you recommend for others to get this award? 

School Uniform Questions

Three Sources:

1) What made this final decision?
2) How do you feel about this new policy?
3) What will this now affect with other polices?
4) How will the school adjust to this? 
5) In you opinion, why do you think this happened?
6) What do you think the uniforms will look like?
7) When will this action come into play?
8) What is the process of the uniforms going to look like?
9) Why do you think the district made this?
10) How do you think other schools will react & follow this?
11) How will this affect parents buying the uniforms? 
12) What is a negative outcome of this?
13) What is a positive outcome of this?
14) How many different style uniforms are there?
15) Why did the school board make this district-wide?
16) How might this affect students learning?
17) Do you think this policy will affect other districts?
18) Are uniforms something you think Bowie should have?
19) How will this change student life at Bowie?
20) After 30 years of no uniforms, how will the staff and students adapt to this new policy?

Architecture Shoot: Details

Architecture Shoot: Light

Architecture Shoot: Angles & Shapes

Architecture Shoot: Patterns

Architecture Shoot: Surroundings

Architecture Preview #2: Poland






Architecture Preview #2: Canada






Architecture Preview #2: Germany






Architecture Preview #2: Belgium






Architecture Preview #2: Sweden






Architecture Preview: Poland

Krzywy Domek, Poland

Szotynscy and Zaleski were the designers and architects of this "crooked house". It was built in 2004 on a popular walking street, located in Sopot, Poland. Krzywy Domek is a public building where you can get your nails done, eat, shop, etc. There is no information on how much it cost to build. I picked this building because it looks straight out of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and it belongs in WooVille. Fairytale vibes are coming off of the building itself day and night. I also think the trees in front and by it gives it more of that child-like feel. 

Architecture Preview: Canada

Habitat 67, Canada

Moshe Sadie is the architect and completed in 1967. This building is located in Montreal, Canada. It is a housing complex community that brings unique deigns.  There isn't a price tag on how much it all cost but on living unit costs about $140,000. It was built for the World Exposition, and was never meant to be public housing. I picked this architecture because it reminds me of Brazil houses and this cool cartoon mixed together. It also looks high quality and wealthy living.