Friday, October 13, 2017

Aperture, Shutter Speed, & ISO


1) The pupil of the eye is what is referred to as aperture. 
2) The smaller the aperture the less light comes in, the higher the aperture the more light comes in.
3) Aperture affects the depth of field by having an impact of what gets focused on in the picture. The smaller the aperture that is used, the less focused it will be on the main object. The higher aperture, the more focused it will be. 

Shutter Speed


a. Slow     
b. Slow 
c. Fast
d. Fast
e. Fast
f. Fast

a. Fast
b. Fast
c. Fast
d. Fast 
e. Fast 
f.  Fast


Auto: both shutter speed and aperture are automatically set by the camera.
Aperture Priority: you set the lens aperture & the camera sets the shutter speed
Shutter Priority: you set the shutter speed & the camera sets the lens aperture.
Manual: you both of the cameras lens aperture & shutter speed. 


1) Having the advantage of a higher ISO at a sporting event helps you stop fast motion at faster speeds.

2) The author suggested that when there is plenty of light to use the lowest ISO because it gives you the most detail & high image quality.

3) The author suggested the highest ISO when there is not enough light and to give the camera time to capture what is happening. 

Cannon Exposures

Aperture Settings: 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22

Shutter Speed: 1SEC, 1/60 SEC, 1/4000 SEC

ISO: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600

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